7 Clever Ideas To Organize A Small Kitchen Without A Pantry

Use Wall and Door-Mounted Racks: To store spices, condiments, and kitchen equipment, install racks on unoccupied wall areas or over cabinet doors. This frees up counter and cabinet space.

Add a Freestanding Shelving Unit: A slim shelving unit can double as a pantry if space allows. Choose one that matches your kitchen and organize with baskets or containers.

Under-shelf Baskets: Maximize cabinet space using baskets. These slide onto shelves to store plates, napkins, and food.

Magnetic Spice Containers: Attach magnetic spice containers to your refrigerator or other magnetic surface. This saves space and makes spices accessible.

Hanging Pot Racks: Free up cabinet space with a pot and pan rack. This can organize and display your kitchenware while adding style to your kitchen.

Over-the-Sink Cutting Board: Invest in an over-the-sink cutting board to instantly increase food preparation counter space. Fruits and vegetables can be rinsed in a colander in some designs.

Pull-out Storage: To optimize space, install pull-out storage in your cabinets. These can be customized to store a range of objects, making them easier to access without cluttering countertops.

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