8 Things To Keep Out Of Your Kitchen

Non-Kitchen Items: Keep mail, keys, and bags out of the kitchen to decrease clutter and improve hygiene. Designate a distinct location in your home for these products.

Unused Appliances: If you haven't used your appliances in months, try storing them somewhere else or donating them. This clears important counter space and lowers visual clutter.

Expired Food: Remove expired products from your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer on a regular basis. This not only saves space, but also reduces the danger of foodborne infections.

Cluttered Utensil Drawers: Overstuffed drawers make it difficult to find what you need and might be hazardous. Keep only the utensils you use frequently in the kitchen, and organize them for easy access.

Excess Plastic Containers: Reduce your mismatched lids and containers. Keep only those in good shape, and arrange them neatly to minimize room.

Old Sponges and Dishrags: Old sponges and dishrags can contain bacteria and transmit germs. Replace them on a regular basis, and consider buying dish brushes that are easy to clean and dry.

Pest Attractants: Food scraps, crumbs, and open food can all attract pests. To deter unwanted guests, keep your kitchen clean and store food in airtight containers.

Toxic Cleaning Supplies: To prevent contamination, keep harsh cleaning agents out of the kitchen. Use food-safe cleansers and keep them in a separate storage location.

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